dEsign-Tech® Center : 3D Model Printing & Design

dEsign-Tech® Center accept scanned files from other scanners such as 3Shape, Medit, iTero, Primescan… that work directly with you, providing unique solutions that fit to your lab or practice.

The services we provide cover a wide range of CAD design in dental technology.

We are committed to expanding our customers’ business capabilities while becoming a trusted partner for their future growth. Our amazing team of designers has plenty of years of experience in digital dentistry to fulfill your expectations.

We are the stewards of a new way of thinking.

We provide essential insights and guidance you are looking for to present and promote your services in the most effective way. We design teeth for our customers that not just look great but they are also accurate and functional.

We commit quality and precision. Our digital workflow eliminates the inconsistencies found in any traditional methods, promising with certainty the most accurate dental restorations possible.

We specialize in framework design for any type of denture or stayplate.